Dogecoin - D8PqTVzvPzf1rdcjvupskBaVaTekd3X3Pb

To get this site up and running, we need donations to kick off the cloud mining to support the Faucet. On the left You can see quick link buttons to donate Bitcoins and Litecoins, as well as an address for each of the Cryptocoins weaccept as donations

The Doge Faucet is the latest, greatest and most profitable faucet out there.

About Us

We are a startup faucet using cloud mining to our advantage. 90% of our cloud mining profit goes to you guys. This mean that the faucet NEVER runs dry and the more donations we get the higher the payouts go.

How we work

Our services are unique and free to use, just input your dogecoin address and at the end of the day, we will distribute the prize pool equally to all of those who entered. 

Try it out now!


Atlanto (reddit) - D75

Matt8297 (reddit) - D50